germs and bacteria in your home

What places harbor the most bacteria in your house? The answers might surprise you.

According to a 2011 study conducted by the National Sanitation Foundation, dish sponges are the single germiest place in your entire home. Sponges are the perfect place for bacteria to live, breed, and party it up.  86% of sponges tested were identified as having mold or yeast. 77% had coliform bacteria, which included the dreaded […]

Wool sample

Carpet Fiber Cleaning Challenges – Wool

We continue to look at the different carpet fibers and the unique challenges each fiber exhibits. Previously we talked about Nylon and Polyester and today we will discuss Wool. Challenges when cleaning wool come from its alkalinity, not from its pH. The pH of a product is but one aspect of its alkalinity and does […]

carpet cleaning

Cleaning Products for Stained Carpets and Rugs

There are myriad ways to obtain stains on your carpet or area rug. Blueberry stains are some of the most noticeable berry stains. The deep colour that blueberries leave behind is hard to miss.  Lakeshore Cleaning and Restorations works with some excellent Cleaning Product Companies that can handle pretty much anything that gets in carpets, area rugs, and other […]

germs and bacteria in your home

Is your Area Rug feeling tired?

We have all been home more these past few months, homeschooling, working from home, and cooking a lot more! More people at home equates to more daily traffic on your area rug. We have become more relaxed, and perhaps you are eating away from the table, and your rugs are feeling it! We treat your area […]

commercial cleaning

Hiring a Professional Cleaning Service for Your Office

There are a wide variety of reasons why you should keep your office clean. You will notice that the moral in your office will increase when your employees have a clean environment to work in. Your office’s cleanliness or filthiness also reflects a lot about your business. Lakeshore understands that you have multiple obligations when […]

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